The goal of Micronauts was to invite visitors on a journey into the dynamic world of ocean microbes through an immersive, multisensory experience around cutting-edge scientific discoveries.
The Micronauts project sought to overcome this concerning knowledge gap by building an emotional bridge. Microscopic creatures are, by definition, hidden from view, and the challenge of seeing them and perceiving their importance prevents emotional involvement and investment. This is a major problem, as a failure to understand and connect with this hidden operating system of our planet leaves us unlikely to protect it and vulnerable to its collapse.
The Micronauts journey was the first production of its kind, using innovative techniques and rigorous science to link the intellectual profundity of the microbial world with the emotional resonance of an embodied, interactive experience. The immersive experience was on display at the 2018 National Ocean Exploration Forum: All Hands on Deck for all to experience and enjoy.
Team: Mark Adams, Benjamin Bray, Keith Ellenbogen, Raquel Fornasaro, Jeff Marlow, Craig McLean, Caroline Rozendo
Funded by: National Geographic Society
2021 status: Complete