Open Ocean has served MIT students in a number of ways. Activities range from UROP opportunities and advising, funding student-initiated and led research projects, project management, SCUBA course offering, serving on Master’s thesis committee, advocating for individual graduate students’ funding, weekly individual mentor meetings with graduate students, fellowship grant writing, networking, and opportunities for publication, undergraduate mentoring, leading workshops, field deployment, field testing, and outreach.
Margaret Sullivan, MechE [FA20, SU20, FA19, SU19] Pontoon Explorer, Maka Niu
Uche Okwo, EECS [SU20, SP20] CRISPR Biosensors
Skylar Gordon, Computation and Cognition [SU20, SP20] Ganimals
Bowen Wu, EECS [SU20] LILLI
Tiffany Chen, EECS [SP20] LILLI
Ethan Nevidomsky, EECS, CMS/W [SP20] LILLI
Mariia Smyk, MechE [SP20] K12 Environmental Data Web Tutorial
Julia Wyatt, MechE [FA19] Pontoon Explorer
Brian Wang, EECS [SP19] Pontoon Explorer
Sabrina Liu, EECS [FA18] Ocean AI
Rogger Montes, EECS [FA18] Ocean AI
John Paris, MechE [SU18] LEGO Wayfinder
Rachel Hwang, Wellesley Physics [SU18] LEGO Wayfinder
We have worked with MIT graduate students in numerous ways, including:
Individual Advising: Weekly check-ins with students to assist them with research and writing milestones.
Thesis Committee: Providing feedback on thesis defense, progress, and manuscript.
Project Funding: Students awarded funding to carry out research projects.
Training: SCUBA course and/or NGS Deep Sea Camera System training.
Field Work: Field deployments of NGS Deep Sea Camera System and/or own research projects for field testing of new technologies aboard Lindblad Expeditions vessels.
UROP Advising: Scoped projects for skill level and semester commitment that provide undergraduates with novel skills and contribute to Open Ocean research initiatives.
Events & Workshops: Participation in event and/or workshop design and execution.
Awards: resulting from work with Open Ocean
Devora Najjar: NG Early Career Grant, NASA-TRISH Seed Funding Grant, MIT Media Lab PlusMinus Fellowship
Avery Normandin: National Geographic Early Career Grant
Additional students participate in monthly roundtable meetings and Open Ocean Seminars, which allow us to engage with students and identify areas of mutual interest.
Some of the most active Open Ocean Graduate Students include:
Alexis Hope (PhD’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Avery Normandin (SM), Media Arts & Sciences
Becca Browder, Aerospace, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Caroline Rozendo (SM’20), Media Arts & Sciences
Charlene Xia (SM’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Craig McLean (PhD’21), MIT/WHOI Joint Program
Daniel Novy (PhD’19), Media Arts & Sciences
Daniel Oran (PhD’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Devora Najjar, Media Arts & Sciences
Dixia Fan (PhD’19), Mechanical Engineering
Emily Salvador (SM’19), Media Arts & Sciences
Evan Denmark (MEng’20), EECS
Jeremy Stroming (SM’2020), Aerospace, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Jessica Todd, MIT/WHOI Joint Program
Junsu Jang (SM’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Miranda Kotidis (SM’19), Mechanical Engineering
Nastasia Winey (SM’20), MIT/WHOI Joint Program
Neil Gaikwad, Media Arts & Sciences
Nina Lutz (SM’20), Media Arts & Sciences
Océane Boulais (SM’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Pedro Reynolds-Cuellar, Media Arts & Sciences
Rachel Smith (PhD’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Randi Williams, Media Arts & Sciences
Sarah Sclarsic, Media Arts & Sciences
Sebastian Kamau (SM’21), Media Arts & Sciences
Teja Jammalamadaka, Media Arts & Sciences
Tyler Schoeppner (SM’21), Media Arts & Sciences